Monday, 10 November 2008

All Bear Down Under!

Hooray! It came! 'Australian Bear Creations' magazine (November issue) dropped through my letterbox a couple of days ago, featuring my very first 'All Bear in Oz' advertisement! Quarter of a page of glorious technicolour, what more could a teddy bear designer ask for?!

Australian Bear Creations Vol.14 No.4

I couldn't be more pleased, the ad looks great and the magazine is a real treat; heaps of interesting craft projects (I absolutely love the elf doll!) plenty of fascinating articles to read, a useful 'recommended reads' section and would you believe there is even an article on childhood toys and yes, Sooty is featured! (In case you are still wondering, my own tribute to Sooty will be revealed next weekend at the Ho Ho Oh Bearz online show).

All Bear's first Australian Bear Creations ad features 'Cornelius'

I ordered my subscription for 'Bear Creations' through but I believe you can also order an international subscription direct from ... go on, why not treat yourself, I'm sure you won't be disappointed!


  1. There aren't many bear mags left.... and this one has long been a fav of mine.
    Congrats on looking so good on paper....and good quality paper at that!

  2. That magazine looks yummy actually....I think I just might need a subscription to that one too. Thanks for showing all of us Paula and ...your ad looks great!

  3. Hi Paula,
    I have been a subscriber to Australian Bear Creations for years, and as soon as I received my latest copy, I noticed your beautiful advertisement straight away. The bear featured in it looks just stunning. It is a great little magazine, and my family don't eat when a new issue arrives in my letterbox!!!
    Boot Button Bears.

  4. Glad you like the ad ... thanks! Vee, as you say, it's a great mag and on good quality paper too, just as a teddy mag should be.

    Ellen, I'm sure you'll enjoy your subscription!

    Christine, lovely to hear from you all the way from Downunder! I'm so excited that my bears can now be seen on the other side of the world thanks to Bear Creations! I have a little run of ads in the pipeline and have just sent my January issue ad copy off for inclusion in the next mag ... I hope that bear stands out as well as Cornelius!


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.