Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Do it yourself ... ahem!

It is traditional on a UK Bank Holiday weekend, for it to rain and boy, did it live up to tradition this weekend! Our other UK Bank Holiday tradition is D.I.Y ('do-it-yourself') which is a wonderful excuse for we women to tuck ourselves away on the pretext of 'mumbled non-specific somethingorother jobs to complete', while our partners manfully resign themselves to three solid days of decorating. Well, that's what happens in our household anyway!

So, for me, three days spent sewing, stuffing and pondering the complexities of design work and for Stuart, three days armed with paintbrushes and a couple of rolls of pretty 'Kimono' patterned, 'eau de nil' wallpaper.

Bank Holiday - Project dining room/All Bear office!

This time it was the turn of the dining room/office to have a makeover. There's still a wee bit of paintwork to complete another time (oh alright, maybe by then I will be able to assist!) but even so, I'm very happy with the results of my scouring over the Laura Ashley catalogue again ... (yes Stuart, my tongue is firmly in my cheek!) Joking apart, after just over a year and much hard work from the very special man in my life, the place is now feeling like home and no longer as though we're camping out in someone else's taste.

So, after the long weekend, I have a few pics of the almost-but-not-quite, end result to share, oh and of course, my weekend bear too, sat patiently in front of the computer screen, waiting for me to put the camera down and write this very post!

Pretty glass shelves for my precious knick-knacks ...

Little 'Finley' will be coming to Stratford on June 8th. At last I have eight bears completed and this week, will be working on my show competition entry. The theme is 'The Four Seasons' and I have chosen 'Spring' ... there's only a couple of days until the entry deadline, so time for me to get cracking!

14" 'Finley' - Bloggin' it!


  1. Paula it looks lovely! Yep, had my guy out in the garden this past weekend :) I love your weekend bear!


  2. Oh Finley! LOVE LOVE LOVE him!
    All looks lovely- great job!

    I love D.I.Y. week-ends-of course my dear hubby doesn't like them at all !!!:):)

    Monica x.

  3. We two seem joined at the hip when doing our renovations...'course, they are a bit more in depth than papering. We just totally tore my laundry room apart. Today we hope to seat and wire up the pot light cannisters and make the frames for the cupboards and the pedestals for the washer and dryer...
    just had a bite to eat after hauling in 6 heavy sheets of melamine for the cupboards... and a few boards.. $250 .....

  4. Ah, so it's not just me! I thought as much!!!

    Delighted you enjoyed the Finley pics ... and Vee, good luck with your renovations, sounds as though you have your work cut out!


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