Monday, 11 February 2008

Budding Inspiration

My shy tulip

With our first major show on the UK calendar only two short weeks away, I have been beavering away in my workroom with determined focus! Thankfully I do now have several show bears completed and so today will be taking a slight break to finish a pretty girlie clown for an overseas customer, before I tackle my remaining 'Winter Bearfest' bears.
My first daffs

As soon as there's the slightest hint of Spring in the garden, I can't wait to get started on the new season's bears and the 'Winter Bearfest' is the ideal showcase for them. My daffodils are now in bud, a few tulips are shyly poking through the earth and I even found an early hyacinth proudly blooming this morning, brightening my little corner of England; naturally, my creative self is being irrisistibly drawn towards a fresh spring palette! There was a sharp frost on the lawn earlier, but the sun is beaming already, so I predict a perfect bear-making day!
My first hyacinth!

I am hoping to share a preview of several of my show bears on the website early next week ... so please pop back when you can! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these early Spring photographs, snapped in my garden on this beautiful morning, only half an hour ago.

Even my fuschias are in bud!
 I'm so pleased my beautiful pink camelia (a gift many years ago from my Dad) survived our house move and is now budding!

My little Spring Puddle! This is Puddle's very first Spring and she's having a lovely time diving and pouncing in the sunshine!


  1. waaaaaaah....stop!....we are to have more snow today or tomorrow.... !

  2. Isn't the weather strange here, we have all the spring bulbs coming up early too, it can change from spring to winter in a day!!! Puddle is growing, what a gorgeous little thing he is.


  3. Ah, sorry Vee! Would you believe, I haven't even seen a snowflake this Winter! I hope your Spring is just around the corner x

    Lovely to hear from you Pauline ... as you say, Puddle is growing! She has such a lovely nature, absolutely full of fun and cuddles.

  4. Yay for green leaves! You kitty looks very sweet!!


  5. Thanks for popping in Melanie ... I'm glad you like my leaf pics ... Kitty is very sweet, but quite naughty as kitties go too!!!


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.