Monday, 21 January 2008

Cousins and cardigans

Now I can show you the finished baby cardigan! I'm pleased to say my little keepsake elephant, hand knitted cardigan and a few other teeny weeny pretties, were well received when my daughter and I visited my sister, her husband and their children, at the weekend.

My new niece is absolutely beautiful and it was so lovely to have my very first cuddle with her. Sis looked the picture of health and happinness, and her gorgeous older daughter, Erin's big sister, was delighted to tell me how pleased she was that her new baby didn't turn out to be, heaven forbid, a boy!

Getting aquainted!

Oldest and youngest cousins - quarter of a century lies between them!

Hello Auntie Paula!

I do hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into our family album ... don't worry, I'll stop cooing and will resume normal bear making service a little later this week! (Although I must confess, I now have a pretty pink cardigan on my knitting needles to finish too!)


  1. awwwww.....she is gorgeous!!! There is nothing more beautiful and heart warming than a new baby - a brand new little life. I'm also glad to hear your sister is well. And your knitting is beautiful - oh I wish I could knit!!!!
    Hugs, Samantha xx

  2. oh she is so beautiful Paula. Your little cardi turned out really pretty, knitting can get a little addictive once you start and you have a good excuse to have some on the go in between the bears!


  3. Lovely to hear from you both! Thank you so much for popping by x

    Samantha, I couldn't knit until I was expecting the birth of my first baby. I wanted her to wear pretty things but was poor as a church mouse at the time, so I hunted out a book and taught myself to knit, step by step. It's not hard once you get started - you are so creative, I'm sure you'd manage! I remember I loved filling my bottom drawer with pretty matinee jackets and cardigans in readinness for Fay's arrival! Boy, was that a long time ago!!!

    Pauline, I'm so glad you like my little cardigan, coming from a fellow knitter that is a compliment indeed!


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.