Thursday, 31 May 2007


... I heard today that one of the bears I sent to Sue Pearson's shop in Brighton a couple of days ago has already found a new home! What lovely news!

Just finished my third bear for the Bear Artists Online Summer Show this afternoon and I will begin work on the fourth tomorrow. There's not much time before the deadline, but with luck I should have five or six special bears ready in time for the show. I'm relishing the freedom to create these bears, there's something very inspiring about a show on the horizon!


  1. Wow! Way to go Paula. Congratulations!

    Wish there were shops around here that would carry some bears.. Over the past few years we seem to have lost the only few that did.

  2. Hi Paula

    I am not surprised to hear that one of your bears sold so quickly, they are all positively fantastic creations, Love your style!

  3. That's great news, Paula, but I can't say I'm surprised. Who wouldn't want one of your wonderful bears.

    I've just seen your post with pics of your garden - you have a sunroom? I am soooooo jealous - I've ALWAYS wanted one, you lucky girl. Your garden looks gorgeous!



  4. Thank you all for your support! It's always exciting for me to hear that one of my bears has found a new home ... the excitement is still the same for me, even though I've been finding homes for my bears for many years!

    Brenda, the sunroom is hopefully going to be lovely, but at the moment, it's my cats' home and I need to reclaim it! I also need to work out how to clean the glass roof!!! LOL!!


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.