Thursday, 27 July 2017


I have never have had a head for heights, regrettably failing to inherent my mother's daredevil gene ... (she has bungee'd, white water rafted, abseiled and even done that 'dangle from a parachute' thing. Her most recent madness being a crazy-scary face down plunge from a mountaintop in Wales, along a mile long zip wire ... at the age of 75!)

Despite being a complete wuss and having a long way to go to match my mother's adventuresome spirit, I will try my hand at almost anything if it puts a smiles on my grandson's face and this week, was by far the oldest participant in our local 'Jungle Gym', as my intrepid adventurer scaled rope bridges, urging me to 'up here Nana'!  It was hot, it was slippery and by gum it was exhausting, but we had an absolute blast together!


Friday, 21 July 2017

A little Schulte luxury

If I had to choose, from all the mohair I have had the privilege of creating teddy bears from over the years, this one by the world renowned Schulte Company would have to be my all time favourite as it's silky, curly, luscious and put simply, pure luxury.

15" 'Tiffany Rose'

Tiffany Rose is my latest teddy bear. I finished her today and stitched her ears on this evening. I think she's an absolute stunner and am hoping there is someone special waiting in the wings to adopt this pretty teddy girl!

If you would like further details, please visit Tiffany Rose on my website. 
Thank you!


Update: Tiffany Rose has been adopted!

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Cut from the same cloth

Oops, 'Lolly' was adopted so quickly I was caught up in a flurry of parcel tape and completely forgot to share her here on my blog, so I'd better set that straight today.

18" 'Lolly'

 After making exclusively hairy bears so far this year, I recently experienced a creative urge to work with a fabric other than mohair. I remembered some beautiful pure wool, English Harris Tweed I'd purchased and tucked away in my cupboard a couple of months ago, so I hunted it out and hey presto, 'Lolly' was born!

I love these bright pink 'n purple tweeds, so much more cheerful than the dreary brown tweeds my old school maths teacher used to wear as he raised his eyes heavenwards whilst trying to explain mathematical processes to this less than interested teenager.

Unlike my maths lessons, Lolly was fun to work on! I used bear making and doll making techniques, so she's part dolly and part teddy bear; what you might call a 'dolly bear' I suppose.

I really enjoyed using cloth and have more of the Harris Tweed in lovely autumnal shades, so please watch this space for future teddy developments, if this style of hairless teddy bear appeals as much to you as it did to Lolly's new owner in the USA!


Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Ripening plums

Rodney found his climbing legs this week and his favourite lookout is now perched high in our plum tree.

At five months of age, this cheeky kitten has us enchanted. He is such a sweetheart and even has my dogs wrapped around his needle sharp little paws.

He wakes me politely each morning by walking along my back and settling between my shoulders, purring loudly ... and if that doesn't work, puts his nose  softly to mine until I open my eyes and say good morning!

It won't be much longer before young Rodders wants to explore further than the safety of our back garden; cats are such curious creatures after all. It always makes me nervous when first they take off into the Big Wide World beyond the garden fence! I will be taking him to visit the vet for removal of his own ripening plums (!) in a few week's time ... hopefully that will keep his wanderlust in check and ensure we don't have a neighbourhood of 'mini Rodneys' arriving beyond our fence in a few months' time!

Stay safe Rodney x


Saturday, 15 July 2017

In an English country garden

I finished this lovely pale pink traditional teddy bear yesterday and while I was running through potential names in my head, kept being drawn towards cottage garden flowers as cottage gardens are always packed full of the prettiest flowers! One of my favourites is the hollyhock ... I love how tall and elegant they are!  So, I've named my teddy 'Hollyhock'. I think it is the perfect name, I hope you do too!

17" Hollyhock

Hollyhock is now available to adopt. 
For full details, please feel free to pop over to visit my website, thank you!


Update: Hollyhock has been adopted!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

A pencil 'n paint day

Another hot summer's day today and oh boy am I wilting! It has been a day to play, rather than a day to attempt sewing teddy bears with sweaty hands - shudder!

So, I set myself up with paints 'n pencils and had a lovely relaxing time, sketching and sploshing purple paint around.  By the time the heat of the day had eased slightly, a pretty lady had appeared on my paper and I felt sufficiently inspired to head up to my workroom to start work on a new teddy bear dancing in my head ... definitely a good day for creativity! 

(By the way, to give you a tiny hint, I think the pinks 'n purples of my paint palette may have inspired my inner teddy bear designer today!)


Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Stars 'n stripes

I am delighted to report that 'Star', born yesterday on the 4th of July, was snapped up within moments of appearing on my website this afternoon and will soon be residing in the Good ol' US of A. How perfect!

Wishing all my American friends a very happy Independence Day.  
I hope you enjoyed your special celebration!
