Monday, 12 December 2016

Half a million!

I have just noticed the number on the counter at the bottom of my blog and it says more than half a million visitors have popped in since I first starting scribbling ... goodness me, that's a very big number!

Thank you so much for taking time to read my posts and 'listen' to my ramblings, I really do appreciate you stopping by to share a little of my world.  Besides taking a look at my latest teddy bears, I hope you have found something to make you smile, or capture your interest, or perhaps a little something that has given you food for thought ...

Whether you are a regular visitor, or have just popped in for the first time, please leave a comment, I always love to hear from you!


Christmas catch up..

I don't think I have ever had quite such a disorganised lead into Christmas! Between my son's wedding, dog training and the usual pre-Christmas family commitments, there has been very little Christmas teddy bear making time available, so for the first year ever, horror or horrors, I don't have even a tiny clutch of festive teddies to offer collectors ... I know, shocking isn't it?! Thankfully I have squeezed just enough time to work on a couple of long standing commissions, so hopefully these at least, will carry smiles to their new owners on Christmas Day.

It has been a long time since I created a careworn teddy bear, so the sweet fellow above was a real pleasure to make.  As he is to be a surprise Christmas gift, I'm sworn to secrecy and can't tell you anything more about him ... no sorry, not even his name!

And this cuddlesome autumnal alpaca teddy bear is rather overdue, not to mention still not quite ready to travel. Thankfully his lovely owner has been very patient. I was asked to create a bear to celebrate the season, so hand dyed alpaca to create a unique autumn teddy in a pretty soft russet and pale bark brown combination. As you can see by the pins, I haven't yet stitched on his ears and still need to add a few finishing touches, but he really is a super teddy bear. Fingers crossed he will prove well worth the wait ...

And on that note, I'd better hop away from this keyboard and up to my workroom to finish 'Autumn' while there are still leaves on the ground and before the Winter snows arrive to hide them!


Here is the finished Autumn bear photograph! 
Now living happily with new owner in the UK ...

16" Autumn